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Autogenerated Variants

When creating a resource, variants can be explicitly defined in the variant field of Sources, Transformations, Features, Labels, and Training Sets. If no variant is defined, a randomly generated variant is created and used.

The same randomly generated variant is added to each resource until import featureform is called again or featureform.set_run() is called.

Setting A Run

Variants can be explicitly defined by calling featureform.set_run("my_variant") with a string argument. This string will be used as the variant from that point forward. Calling featureform.set_run() with no arguments will create a new auto-generated variant.

Example 1: Using set_run() without arguments will generate a random run name.

import featureform as ff


# Applying will register the source as name=transactions, variant=<randomly-generated>

Example 2: Using set_run() with arguments will set the variant to the provided name.

import featureform as ff


# Applying will register the source as name=transactions, variant=last_30_days

Example 3: Generated and set variant names can be used together

import featureform as ff

file = spark.register_file(

def customer_count(transactions):
    return transactions.groupBy("CustomerID").count()

# Applying without a variant for the dataframe transformation will result in
# the transactions source having a variant of last_30_days and the transformation
# having a randomly generated variant

Example 4: This also works within SQL Transformations

import featureform as ff

def my_transformation():
    return "SELECT CustomerID, Amount FROM {{ transactions }}"

# The variant will be autofilled so the SQL query is returned as:
# "SELECT CustomerID, Amount FROM {{ transactions.last_30_days }}"


Name Type Description Default
run str

Name of a run to be set.


Getting A Run

The currently set run can be gotten by calling featureform.get_run(). This will return a string of the current run.

This is useful when using serving functions from the notebook that resources are being applied in.

Get the current run name.


import featureform as ff

client = ff.Client()
f = client.features(("avg_transaction_amount", ff.get_run()), {"user": "123"})


Name Type Description
run str

The name of the current run