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Bases: ResourceClient, ServingClient

Client for interacting with Featureform APIs (resources and serving)

Using the Client:
import featureform as ff
from featureform import Client

client = Client()

# Example 1: Get a registered provider
redis = client.get_provider("redis-quickstart")

# Example 2: Compute a dataframe from a registered source
transactions_df = client.dataframe("transactions", "quickstart")

Source code in src/featureform/
class Client(ResourceClient, ServingClient):
    Client for interacting with Featureform APIs (resources and serving)

    **Using the Client:**
    ```py title=""
    import featureform as ff
    from featureform import Client

    client = Client()

    # Example 1: Get a registered provider
    redis = client.get_provider("redis-quickstart")

    # Example 2: Compute a dataframe from a registered source
    transactions_df = client.dataframe("transactions", "quickstart")

    def __init__(
        self, host=None, local=False, insecure=False, cert_path=None, dry_run=False
        if local:
            raise Exception(
                "Local mode is not supported in this version. Use featureform <= 1.12.0 for localmode"

        if host is not None:

        # Given both ResourceClient and ServingClient are instantiated together, if dry_run is True, then
        # the ServingClient cannot be instantiated due to a conflict the local and host arguments.
        if not dry_run:
                self, host=host, local=local, insecure=insecure, cert_path=cert_path

    def dataframe(
        source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
        variant: Optional[str] = None,
        Return a dataframe from a registered source or transformation

        ```py title=""
        transactions_df = client.dataframe("transactions", "quickstart")

        avg_user_transaction_df = transactions_df.groupby("CustomerID")["TransactionAmount"].mean()

            source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from
            variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string
            limit (int): The maximum number of records to return; defaults to NO_RECORD_LIMIT
            asynchronous (bool): Flag to determine whether the client should wait for resources to be in either a READY or FAILED state before returning. Defaults to False to ensure that newly registered resources are in a READY state prior to serving them as dataframes.

            df (pandas.DataFrame): The dataframe computed from the source or transformation

        self.apply(asynchronous=asynchronous, verbose=verbose)
        if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
            name, variant = source.name_variant()
        elif isinstance(source, str):
            name = source
            if variant is None:
                raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
            if variant == "":
                raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")
            raise ValueError(
                f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(source)}\n"
                "use client.dataframe(name, variant) or client.dataframe(source) or client.dataframe(transformation)"
        return self.impl._get_source_as_df(name, variant, limit)

    def nearest(self, feature, vector, k):
        Query the K nearest neighbors of a provider vector in the index of a registered feature variant


        ```py title=""
        # Get the 5 nearest neighbors of the vector [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] in the index of the feature "my_feature" with variant "my_variant"
        nearest_neighbors = client.nearest("my_feature", "my_variant", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 5)
        print(nearest_neighbors) # prints a list of entities (e.g. ["entity1", "entity2", "entity3", "entity4", "entity5"])

            feature (Union[FeatureColumnResource, tuple(str, str)]): Feature object or tuple of Feature name and variant
            vector (List[float]): Query vector
            k (int): Number of nearest neighbors to return

        if isinstance(feature, tuple):
            name, variant = feature
        elif isinstance(feature, FeatureColumnResource):
            name =
            variant = feature.variant
            raise Exception(
                f"the feature '{feature}' of type '{type(feature)}' is not support."
                "Feature must be a tuple of (name, variant) or a FeatureColumnResource"

        if k < 1:
            raise ValueError("k must be a positive integer")
        return self.impl.nearest(name, variant, vector, k)

    def location(
        source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
        variant: Optional[str] = None,
        resource_type: Optional[ResourceType] = None,
        Returns the location of a registered resource. For SQL resources, it will return the table name
        and for file resources, it will return the file path.

        ```py title=""
        transaction_location = client.location("transactions", "quickstart", ff.SOURCE)

            source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from
            variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string
            resource_type (ResourceType): The type of resource; can be one of ff.SOURCE, ff.FEATURE, ff.LABEL, or ff.TRAINING_SET
        if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
            name, variant = source.name_variant()
            resource_type = ResourceType.SOURCE
        elif isinstance(source, featureform.resources.TrainingSetVariant):
            name =
            variant = source.variant
            resource_type = ResourceType.TRAINING_SET
        elif isinstance(source, str):
            name = source
            if variant is None:
                raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
            if variant == "":
                raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")

            if resource_type is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "resource_type must be specified if source is a string"

            raise ValueError(
                f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(resource)}\n"
                "use client.dataframe(name, variant) or client.dataframe(source) or client.dataframe(transformation)"

        location = self.impl.location(name, variant, resource_type)
        return location

    def close(self):
        Closes the client, closes channel for hosted mode

    def columns(
        source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
        variant: Optional[str] = None,
        Returns the columns of a registered source or transformation

        ```py title=""
        columns = client.columns("transactions", "quickstart")

            source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to get the columns from
            variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string

            columns (List[str]): The columns of the source or transformation
        if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
            name, variant = source.name_variant()
        elif isinstance(source, str):
            name = source
            if variant is None:
                raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
            if variant == "":
                raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")
            raise ValueError(
                f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(source)}\n"
                "use client.columns(name, variant) or client.columns(source) or client.columns(transformation)"
        return self.impl._get_source_columns(name, variant)

    def _validate_host(host):
        if host.startswith("http://") or host.startswith("https://"):
            raise ValueError("Invalid Host: Host should not contain http or https.")

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):


Closes the client, closes channel for hosted mode

Source code in src/featureform/
def close(self):
    Closes the client, closes channel for hosted mode

columns(source, variant=None)

Returns the columns of a registered source or transformation

columns = client.columns("transactions", "quickstart")


Name Type Description Default
source Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]

The source or transformation to get the columns from

variant str

The source variant; can't be None if source is a string



Name Type Description
columns List[str]

The columns of the source or transformation

Source code in src/featureform/
def columns(
    source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
    variant: Optional[str] = None,
    Returns the columns of a registered source or transformation

    ```py title=""
    columns = client.columns("transactions", "quickstart")

        source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to get the columns from
        variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string

        columns (List[str]): The columns of the source or transformation
    if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
        name, variant = source.name_variant()
    elif isinstance(source, str):
        name = source
        if variant is None:
            raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
        if variant == "":
            raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")
        raise ValueError(
            f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(source)}\n"
            "use client.columns(name, variant) or client.columns(source) or client.columns(transformation)"
    return self.impl._get_source_columns(name, variant)

dataframe(source, variant=None, limit=NO_RECORD_LIMIT, asynchronous=False, verbose=False)

Return a dataframe from a registered source or transformation

transactions_df = client.dataframe("transactions", "quickstart")

avg_user_transaction_df = transactions_df.groupby("CustomerID")["TransactionAmount"].mean()


Name Type Description Default
source Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]

The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from

variant str

The source variant; can't be None if source is a string

limit int

The maximum number of records to return; defaults to NO_RECORD_LIMIT

asynchronous bool

Flag to determine whether the client should wait for resources to be in either a READY or FAILED state before returning. Defaults to False to ensure that newly registered resources are in a READY state prior to serving them as dataframes.



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

The dataframe computed from the source or transformation

Source code in src/featureform/
def dataframe(
    source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
    variant: Optional[str] = None,
    Return a dataframe from a registered source or transformation

    ```py title=""
    transactions_df = client.dataframe("transactions", "quickstart")

    avg_user_transaction_df = transactions_df.groupby("CustomerID")["TransactionAmount"].mean()

        source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from
        variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string
        limit (int): The maximum number of records to return; defaults to NO_RECORD_LIMIT
        asynchronous (bool): Flag to determine whether the client should wait for resources to be in either a READY or FAILED state before returning. Defaults to False to ensure that newly registered resources are in a READY state prior to serving them as dataframes.

        df (pandas.DataFrame): The dataframe computed from the source or transformation

    self.apply(asynchronous=asynchronous, verbose=verbose)
    if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
        name, variant = source.name_variant()
    elif isinstance(source, str):
        name = source
        if variant is None:
            raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
        if variant == "":
            raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")
        raise ValueError(
            f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(source)}\n"
            "use client.dataframe(name, variant) or client.dataframe(source) or client.dataframe(transformation)"
    return self.impl._get_source_as_df(name, variant, limit)

location(source, variant=None, resource_type=None)

Returns the location of a registered resource. For SQL resources, it will return the table name and for file resources, it will return the file path.

transaction_location = client.location("transactions", "quickstart", ff.SOURCE)


Name Type Description Default
source Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]

The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from

variant str

The source variant; can't be None if source is a string

resource_type ResourceType

The type of resource; can be one of ff.SOURCE, ff.FEATURE, ff.LABEL, or ff.TRAINING_SET

Source code in src/featureform/
def location(
    source: Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str],
    variant: Optional[str] = None,
    resource_type: Optional[ResourceType] = None,
    Returns the location of a registered resource. For SQL resources, it will return the table name
    and for file resources, it will return the file path.

    ```py title=""
    transaction_location = client.location("transactions", "quickstart", ff.SOURCE)

        source (Union[SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation, str]): The source or transformation to compute the dataframe from
        variant (str): The source variant; can't be None if source is a string
        resource_type (ResourceType): The type of resource; can be one of ff.SOURCE, ff.FEATURE, ff.LABEL, or ff.TRAINING_SET
    if isinstance(source, (SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation)):
        name, variant = source.name_variant()
        resource_type = ResourceType.SOURCE
    elif isinstance(source, featureform.resources.TrainingSetVariant):
        name =
        variant = source.variant
        resource_type = ResourceType.TRAINING_SET
    elif isinstance(source, str):
        name = source
        if variant is None:
            raise ValueError("variant must be specified if source is a string")
        if variant == "":
            raise ValueError("variant cannot be an empty string")

        if resource_type is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "resource_type must be specified if source is a string"

        raise ValueError(
            f"source must be of type SourceRegistrar, SubscriptableTransformation or str, not {type(resource)}\n"
            "use client.dataframe(name, variant) or client.dataframe(source) or client.dataframe(transformation)"

    location = self.impl.location(name, variant, resource_type)
    return location

nearest(feature, vector, k)

Query the K nearest neighbors of a provider vector in the index of a registered feature variant

# Get the 5 nearest neighbors of the vector [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] in the index of the feature "my_feature" with variant "my_variant"
nearest_neighbors = client.nearest("my_feature", "my_variant", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 5)
print(nearest_neighbors) # prints a list of entities (e.g. ["entity1", "entity2", "entity3", "entity4", "entity5"])


Name Type Description Default
feature Union[FeatureColumnResource, tuple(str, str)]

Feature object or tuple of Feature name and variant

vector List[float]

Query vector

k int

Number of nearest neighbors to return

Source code in src/featureform/
def nearest(self, feature, vector, k):
    Query the K nearest neighbors of a provider vector in the index of a registered feature variant


    ```py title=""
    # Get the 5 nearest neighbors of the vector [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] in the index of the feature "my_feature" with variant "my_variant"
    nearest_neighbors = client.nearest("my_feature", "my_variant", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 5)
    print(nearest_neighbors) # prints a list of entities (e.g. ["entity1", "entity2", "entity3", "entity4", "entity5"])

        feature (Union[FeatureColumnResource, tuple(str, str)]): Feature object or tuple of Feature name and variant
        vector (List[float]): Query vector
        k (int): Number of nearest neighbors to return

    if isinstance(feature, tuple):
        name, variant = feature
    elif isinstance(feature, FeatureColumnResource):
        name =
        variant = feature.variant
        raise Exception(
            f"the feature '{feature}' of type '{type(feature)}' is not support."
            "Feature must be a tuple of (name, variant) or a FeatureColumnResource"

    if k < 1:
        raise ValueError("k must be a positive integer")
    return self.impl.nearest(name, variant, vector, k)